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Sixth Form College


Here at CIS (Concordia International School) we wish to give our students every avenue to pursue their education. Therefore we develop programs for a Sixth Form College under UK acreditation for L3 Foundation courses and A-Level Courses.


U.K. Qualification Framework

The standard for U.K. qualification is differentiated in levels and qualifications according to the age and level the person is studying. The graph illustrates the steps and qualification levels that U.K. education system follows.




In accordance to the qualification system of U.K. Concordia International School incorporates with Concordia International University to offer following level programs:



Level 3 Foundation Program



Students who wishes to further their education abroad in distinguished English environments either in U.K., Switzerland, Australia, or Singapore have the option of studying the Level 3 Foundation program with Concordia International School.




L3 High School Program

6-12 months




Students may take the program in the remote of their home country or our centers located in the following countries:

Seoul, South Korea

Benguet, Philippine

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Entrance Requirements:

The entrance admission to the U.K. Level 3 Foundation program opens to anyone over the age of 16 with Middle school diploma or a certificate equivalent to it.



A-Level Program


Concordia International University established the A-Level program, aiming to provide best quality education that will prepare students for one of the most prestigious universities in the UK and other countries.

A levels (Advanced Level) are traditional qualification highly valued by employers and universities around the world.

It is required by most universities in the UK and is widely accepted in countries with higher educations like United States, Australia, Singapore, Canada and many more. A level courses consists of 2 years’ worth of education and variety of subjects under student’s choice.


CIS offers following subjects as A Level courses:

. Business Studies

. Economics

. Accounting

. Mathematics

. Chemistry

. Physics


Pre-sessional Programs

A minimum of 6.0 IELTS score or 80 TOEFL IBT score is required to enter our A level courses. Concordia International University offers English study programs for student prior to their entrance to Sixth Form College courses. This course is taken along with L3 diploma certificate courses offered by Concordia International University and the duration of studies vary depending on the student’s level.